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Putting public health theory into practice

Empowering graduates to extend and apply their public health skills and knowledge towards improving the health of their population through mentoring.

What we offer

Become a mentee, or seek a mentor – in the broad field of public health.

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Access any of the free courses and gain a certificate in these categories:

Free online courses from Peoples-Praxis: Public health, open science, research methods, thoughtful practice

  1. Publishing, reviewing and appraising
  2. Research methods
  3. Public health
  4. Patterns of disease
  5. Human rights, refugees, professionalism
  6. Mentoring and reflection

(You may also want to seek a mentor to discuss aspects of any of these courses)

Our current special initiative is Open publishing. We are members of the New Momentum to Amplify the Impact of African Public Health Research Through Open Publishing and are supporting this with online courses and mentorship.

More Details!

Peoples-praxis Mentorship Initiative

Become a Peoples-Praxis Mentee!

Become a Peoples-Praxis Mentor!

Examples of who might join the Peoples-Praxis mentoring programme:

Ms A has completed her MPH degree in ... and wants to write up her dissertation for publication which she hopes will help her gain a new job. She would like a mentor to advise on this and her further career development. Peoples-praxis can help her find a mentor who has relevant experience, and provide access to a set of online resources on academic writing.

The Ministry of Health in the State of ... in ... would like to have help in building its in-house capacity for evaluating its recent programmes and policies. Peoples-praxis can enrol a group of employees of that Ministry to work through a practical example of an evaluation, led by an experienced mentor, and point to suitable online resources about evaluation methods which they would work through together.

Dr Y is about to graduate as a fully qualified public health specialist, after 5 years of practical experience in a variety of public health environments. She has been promised a job in a department of public health, but since this does not involve teaching would like the opportunity to pass on her skills to others. Peoples-praxis can provide the opportunity to match Dr Y with a mentee who would value help in applying public health skills in practice.